Tuition Assignment: P5 Tamil @ 430B Fernvale Link (nearest LRT station: Layar) W
closed · ftmt2021 · 2 years ago · 0 applicants
per hour
Fernvale Ridge, 430D Fernvale Link, Singapore 794430 (794430)
Location: Fernvale Ridge, 430D Fernvale Link, Singapore 794430
Code: 220608W3

Info: P5 Tamil @ 430B Fernvale Link (nearest LRT station: Layar) on Mon/Wed/Thurs between 2.30pm-5pm, Staurday morning [1 lesson/week, 1.5 hrs/lesson]

Requirement: An experienced PART-TIME or FULL-TIME tutor for this primary girl. Can study but likes to procrastinate and tries to get away from doing her work. Start ASAP.

Rate: $30-$40/hr. Justify asking hourly rate with qualification, experience, and track record. Do not over quote!


TELEGRAM your DETAILED tutor profile to +65 8777-3558 or @FamilyTutor via the following format:

1. Code:

2. Full Name + Age + Gender + Race

3. Part-Time/Full-Time/Ex- or Current MOE Tutor

4. Poly Diploma/Uni Major + all related grades attained for PSLE/O & A Levels/IB

5. In the last 2-3 years, no. of students taught for this level (or higher) & subject

6. Notable grade improvements seen in your students for this level (or higher) & subject e.g. D to A within 5 months, Fail to A1 within 10 months

7. Detailed tutoring method/philosophy for this level (or higher) & subject:

8. A decent casual or professional photo of yourself

9. FULL availability (e.g. Mon-Fri 10am-7pm + Sat 5pm-6pm + Sun 10am-4pm):

10. Asking hourly rate (do not over-quote!)

Only tutors who are eligible in and serious about this assignment will be strongly recommended to the family!
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Updated 2 years ago: We are still looking for applicants.
Posted by ftmt2021
Updated 2 years ago: We are still looking for applicants.
Posted by ftmt2021
Assignment Closed
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