Details of Job:
Location: 2 Havelock Road S059763 (Clarke Quay MRT)
Duration: 1.5h per lesson, twice a week
Subject: Grade 4 English
Availability: Tuesday and Thursday 1630-1800
Fees: $45-$50/h
Tutor Preference: Female, Chinese
Remarks: Looking for a female Chinese tutor who can teach Grade 4 English with a group of 2 students. Looking for a bilingual tutor who is able to translate between English and Chinese.
Pls Telegram msg me at Learntogethersg if you are keen. Just search Learntogethersg on telegram and contact the admin of the channel. My profile pic is LearnTogether SG. You may also whatsapp me at 80220380 but telegram is preferred.
Just applying thru the website is not enough, please drop me a Telegram message so we can connect.
Priority will be given to tutors who initiate a whatsapp or telegram chat with me.