Tuition Assignment: J1487. Sec 4 Pure Physics @ 348 Balestier Road Prestige Heights (S)329778 (Novena MRT)
closed · arcane1988 · 4 months ago · 3 applicants
per hour
Prestige Heights, 348 Balestier Road, Singapore 329778 (329778)
Location: Prestige Heights, 348 Balestier Road, Singapore 329778
Job 1487

Sec 4 Pure Physics @ 348 Balestier Road Prestige Heights (S)329778 (Novena MRT)

Details of Job:
Location: 348 Balestier Road Prestige Heights (S)329778 (Novena MRT)
Duration: 3h per lesson, twice a week
Subject: Sec 4 Pure Physics
Availability: Weekdays after 3pm, Saturday after 1pm, Sunday anytime
Fees: $60/h
Tutor Preference: Chinese, no preference for gender

Remarks: Looking for a tutor who can teach Sec 4 Pure Physics. Student is smart and has good memory; he scored A2 in Physics in Sec 3, but because of workload (he is a triple pure science student), he did not do well in the preliminary exam; he scored C5 in Physics. Looking for a tutor specialised in Physics who can help dill the student on answering exam questions and prepare him for the final O level exam. No commission payable by Tutor for this assignment.

Pls Telegram msg me at Learntogethersg if you are keen. Just search Learntogethersg on telegram and contact the admin of the channel. My profile pic is LearnTogether SG. You may also whatsapp me at 80220380 but telegram is preferred.

Just applying thru the website is not enough, please drop me a Telegram message so we can connect.

Priority will be given to tutors who initiate a whatsapp or telegram chat with me.
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