Tuition Assignment: Edgefield Plains, 820118 English Phonics - 6 years old
closed · tuitionhero · 3 years ago · 0 applicants
per hour
118 Edgefield Plains, Singapore 820118 (820118)
Location: 118 Edgefield Plains, Singapore 820118

Edgefield Plains, 820118
English Phonics - 6 years old
$30 - $40 per hour - Full Time Tutor
$40 - $50 per hour - Current / Ex-MOE Teacher
1 hour / week
Saturday Morning
Start from July

- Mainly focus on English.
- Parent expectation is that she must be able to master in phonic in 6 month time.
- Able to read new papers by her own even don''t know the meaning. But at least need to be able to pronounce the word
- Follow by making simple sentence n some short essay
- During P1 - expectations will be discussed again

Interested tutor, please Whatsapp Case Number to JOEY (Tuition Hero) > 69042230
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