Beginner Tennis @ Clementi
closed · PremiumTutors · 2 months ago · 0 applicants
per hour
Blue Horizon, 29 West Coast Crescent, Singapore 128049 (128049)
Beginner Tennis @ Clementi

Details of assignment
Location: 29 West Coast Crescent Blue Horizon Singapore 128049
Duration: 1 x 1 hour/week
Timing: Weekdays 8pm

Fees: $80 - $100/lesson
Commission: First 2 lessons

Remarks: Students are a pair of 20+ year old females

Interested applicants, please apply via https://forms.gle/VCuCj7Pkdm7kMRX49 or message @premiumtutorsjobs

Code: BBTIS642
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Updated 2 months ago: We are still looking for applicants.
Posted by PremiumTutors
Assignment Closed
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