Basic Python Programming - 15 hours (S$400)
closed · 5 years ago
per hour
694 Jurong West Central 1, Singapore 640694 (640694)
Basic Python Programming Language S$400 - 15 hours.

Python Programming Basic course covers the basic concepts on how to represent and store data using Python data types and variables and use conditionals and loops to control the flow of programs. Participants will be exposed to essential data structures like lists, dictionaries, and tuples to store collections of related data. Our theoretical and extensive hands-on exercises will help the participants to get familiarise with basic programming techniques of Python.

Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to PythonThe python programming language What is debugging Formal and natural languages First program

Module 2: Variables, Expressions and StatementsValues and types Variables names and keywords Evaluating expressions Operators and operands

Module 3: FunctionsFunction callType conversion and type coercionMath functionsCompositionAdding new functionsParameters and argumentsStack diagram

Module 4: Conditionals and recursionThe modulus operatorBoolean expressionsLogical operatorsConditional executionAlternative executionNested conditionalsRecursion

Module 5: Fruitful FunctionsReturn valuesCompositionBoolean functionsLeap of faith

Module 6: IterationsMultiple assignmentWhile statementTablesEncapsulation and generalizationLocal variables

Module 7: StringsLengthTraversal and for loopString comparisonA find functionLooping and counting

Module 8: ListsList valuesAccessing elementsList membershipLists and for loopList operationsList deletionObjects and valuesCloning lists

Module 9: TuplesMutability and tuplesTuple assignmentRandom numbersLists of random numbersDictionariesDictionary operations and methodsAliasing and copyingSparse matrices

Module 10: DictionariesDictionary operations and methodsAliasing and copyingSparse matricesHintsLong integers
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